Sunday, 13 November 2011

Waiting in the ether....

Still waiting to hear about my job future and still waiting to find out if I can start this darned driving job. I know the driving job won't be great pay but everything helps and I really need to get out the house more often!!! Going to chase up the driving up tomorrow and hope for some encouraging news!

Saying that though, I've enjoyed helping arrange a certain surprise for my step daughter, despite our very difficult relationship. (I'm lucky if we converse more than a half dozen sentances a week...)

Getting major tempatations on the video games front as pretty much all the big releases are out now. Would love to play Skyrim a.s.a.p but as I'm contributing little money at the moment and what with a very expensive December fast approaching, I just can't justify it. I'm a harbouring a secret hope that I can get it on the credit card and pay it back with some xmas money. This hope makes me feel like a kid wanting more pocket money!!

Challenging times and no mistake. Hope the new year brings better times....

Friday, 14 October 2011

Against the grain. .

Wow, I haven't posted since May! Life is certainly hectic and once again I find myself wondering what's going on in my life. Well, I know what's going on; it presently stinks but there you go. No one said it was easy (just as well because it's not.)

I'm stuck, waiting for news on impending redundancies and I have lost faith in my boss looking for a another job, despite him telling me he is. My plans feel shot to hell and the pressure is taking it's toll on my home life and relationship.

Therefore, I've been pondering the following question. If I think positive, positive things will happen, right? So on that basis, if I buy a lottery ticket and believe I will win, I will win something, right?

So there you go, positive thinking may increase your chances (you will be motivated into trying something,) but don't dare tell me good things will happen by thinking positive.. They may not happen, despite trying..

Time will reveal the new hand of cards but incase the dealer is reading this; hurry the heck up and deal already. I don't know how much longer I can hold out....

Rant over.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Self Service rant....

I absolutely hate Self Service Tills. I must be in a majority here although the mrs always insists on using them when we can.

I find them so contradictory. Every time I try using one I need assistance and this automatically makes a mockery of the term 'self service'. There's a problem in the bagging error or I have to remove the item and put it back in the bag or there is always some other problem that requires assistance.

I strongly feel that these self service tills are nothing but a hinderance and a very bad idea by the supermarkets! Self service, my bottom.....


Please note: the above image is not mine and is accredited to another source.