Wow, I haven't posted since May! Life is certainly hectic and once again I find myself wondering what's going on in my life. Well, I know what's going on; it presently stinks but there you go. No one said it was easy (just as well because it's not.)
I'm stuck, waiting for news on impending redundancies and I have lost faith in my boss looking for a another job, despite him telling me he is. My plans feel shot to hell and the pressure is taking it's toll on my home life and relationship.
Therefore, I've been pondering the following question. If I think positive, positive things will happen, right? So on that basis, if I buy a lottery ticket and believe I will win, I will win something, right?
So there you go, positive thinking may increase your chances (you will be motivated into trying something,) but don't dare tell me good things will happen by thinking positive.. They may not happen, despite trying..
Time will reveal the new hand of cards but incase the dealer is reading this; hurry the heck up and deal already. I don't know how much longer I can hold out....
Rant over.